Independent Guidance

when you need it most

Your independent and experienced resource for efficient, cost-effective probate and administration of an estate.

Newly appointed executors

Guided DIY Probate

Guided DIY Estate Administration

Difficult Conversations

Disagreements and Arguments

Costs and Benefits

Probate FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Newly Appointed Executors

Not everyone knows in advance that they have been appointed an executor of a Will and sometimes you will only be notified once the person has died and the contents of the Will are known. Some do know and then discover that there are co-executors which can make things more challenging.


There is no rule that says the person nominating executors has to ask you first. However, the named executor or executors can decline to act if they wish.


In our complimentary Road Map call, we will discuss briefly


  • if you wish to be an executor, what it means and what the alternatives are if you don’t;
  • what you will do as an executor, and what I will do and how I can support you;
  • your impression of any potential difficulties with the estate and with other executors or beneficiaries;
  • which service will be most appropriate for you and your situation.

Guided DIY Probate

Applying for Probate can seem an overwhelming exercise, especially if you hate filling in forms and worry about getting things wrong. It can be tempting to hand it over to someone else especially when you are struggling with the loss of someone close.

Recent closures of Probate Registry Offices around the country and the move to making some applications online are discouraging for those who do not feel confident submitting forms online.

In our complimentary Road Map call, we will discuss

  • timescales and deadlines;
  • what you will do when applying for Probate, and how I can support you;
  • your impression of any potential difficulties with the estate and with other executors or beneficiaries;
  • which additional services will be appropriate for you and how you can manage the costs;
  • next steps.

Guided DIY Estate Administration

Administering an estate requires organisation and patience. It helps to have a road map and an independent ear as well as experienced input to assist your decision making.

The guiding principle for acting as executor or administrator is simple: you must act in the interests of all the beneficiaries. The practice is often more about dealing with people than assets and forms, and requires thought.

In our complimentary Road Map call, we will discuss

  • timescales and deadlines;
  • what you will do, and how I can support you;
  • your impression of any potential difficulties with the estate and with other executors or beneficiaries;
  • which services will be most useful for you.

Difficult Conversations

The opportunities for difficult conversations arise frequently during the months before a loved one dies. Often, they are too difficult to have at the time, or we don’t know how to start them, or we are concerned that they will cause unhappiness so we keep putting them off until they don’t happen at all.

The topics can include

  • why you are giving certain items to specific people;
  • who you would like to be your executor or executors and your reasons for choosing them;
  • end of life care and powers of attorney;
  • what kind of service and celebration you want to have.

In our complimentary Road Map call, we will discuss

  • what is the difficult conversation you reluctant are to have and with whom;
  • how I can support you in having that conversation;
  • options for documenting the outcome of the conversation;
  • next steps.

Disagreements and Arguments

Disagreements and arguments are a natural part of life and relationships. They are certainly a part of the grieving process which everyone experiences differently. Finding the balance between ‘getting on with it’ and meeting people’s individual needs is not an easy task. Missing the mark is often the cause of many disagreements.  

The topics can include

  • the revisiting of past hurts and grievances;
  • family members who feel excluded;
  • differences in interpreting the wishes of the testator;
  • unexpected behaviours which cause suspicion and anger.

In our complimentary Road Map call, we will discuss

  • your impressions of what the likely issues are that may arise;
  • how I can support you in anticipating and managing those issues;
  • the flexibility and influence you have as executor in your decision-making;
  • next steps.

Costs and Benefits

Understanding the costs and benefits are an essential part of establishing your confidence and motivation to act as an executor or administrator.

Most people want their hard-earned savings and belongings to go to the beneficiaries and not ‘others’. Their decision to appoint you, and not a solicitor, is generally a strong message that they want the estate to remain with the people to whom it has been gifted.

However, they may not have understood entirely what the job entails since their relationship with the beneficiaries may have been different from yours or their understanding of their assets and what it will take to realise the value may have been less than comprehensive.

In our complimentary Road Map call, we will discuss

  • if the estate can be administered efficiently by you with support from me;
  • how I can support you in achieving the best value for the benefit of all the beneficiaries;
  • how my particular approach delivers value for money and how much it will cost;
  • next steps.


Application for Probate

  • Check list for relevant forms and information required;
  • Template executor oath for signing;
  • Contact via email, phone and video conferencing.


  • Check list and timeline for actions;
  • Template for budget and expenses forecast;
  • Template estate accounts;
  • Available by email, telephone and video conferencing to assist with preparation.

Difficult Conversations

  • Facilitating discussions about instructions and wishes;
  • Identifying what you want to say in your Will;
  • Identifying items as specific bequests;
  • Drafting letters;
  • Creating video messages;
  • Unique online ‘game’ to identify answers to important ‘end of life’ questions.

Disagreements and Arguments

  • Coaching on how to approach issues;
  • Chairing a meeting – in person (if possible)  or via video;
  • Mediation meeting with beneficiaries, executors or both.



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2. Book a call using my appointment scheduling page

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